1191 days past since the forum

Global economic grows reluctantly, avian flu strikes time and again, the epidemic extends, animal feed prices stay high, the road leading to a long-term industry development stumbles. The sudden COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 brings new light to the industry at the expansion of consumer channels, consumer model innovation, supply chain updates. Defined in 10-year terms, China's poultry industry in 2021 will undoubtedly be confronted with unprecedented blocks and opportunities in the post-COVID-19 era; It allows us to achieve more perspective and sustainable development space once we redefine the growth of poultry industry.

The Concept of Sustainable Development of the Global Poultry Industry in the Post-COVID 19 Era
A Multi-dimensional Space for the Growth and Driving Force of China’s Poultry & Layer Industry
  • Conference:July 9–10

    Registration:July 8

  • USD 169/person before
    May 30

    USD 237/person before
    June 30th

    USD 338/person after June 30

  • Grand Hyatt Shenyang



